As we head into 2022, City of Bryan staff are preparing to embark on a big year for big projects in Bryan. From parks to storm water and road improvements to sidewalks, residents will have the opportunity to give input on some projects and see big progress made on others. Here are 12 public improvement projects in Bryan to keep your eye on this year.
A list and map of all of the city’s Capital Improvement Projects is available at

1. Texas Avenue improvements
One of the largest projects to get underway in 2022 is the Texas Avenue improvement project, which is a partnership between the Texas Department of Transportation, the Metropolitan Planning Organization and the City of Bryan.
The project calls for improvements to more than 5 miles of roadway on Texas Avenue from University Drive north to Old Hearne Road, just past State Highway 21. Improvements include raised medians, sidewalks, burying power lines and a shared-use path.
Construction on Phase 1 is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2022. This includes raised medians, traffic signals, turn lanes and other work at the intersection of State Highway 21 and Texas Avenue. Work should take approximately one year to complete.
Phase 2A includes the construction of raised medians along Texas Avenue from 15th Street south to University Drive. Work is expected to begin in the Fall of 2022. Phase 2B includes the construction of shared-use paths and sidewalks along the roadway and could start as early as fall 2023.
More information about this project is available at TxDOT’s website,

2. Midtown Park
Construction at Travis Bryan Midtown Park is fully underway, and initial parts of the overall project are now complete and ready for the public to enjoy. Finishing touches are being put on the Travis Fields complex, and BigShots Golf Aggieland has opened its doors to the public.
Other parts of the park remain under construction, including the following:
- Legends Event Center: Vertical construction has begun, and work is ongoing on this indoor facility that is expected to open in late 2022.
- Midtown Park Lake: Work is ongoing, and some additional dam work requires permits from TCEQ. Once permits are received, construction could begin as early as the end of 2022.
- Midtown Park Boulevard: the first section of the road from Villa Maria Road to the first roundabout is complete and open to the public for access to BigShots. The second section of the road from the roundabout to Williamson Drive is scheduled to open sometimes during summer 2022.
- Shared-use path: Portions of the 2-mile trail are under construction, and sections on the west end of the park are expected to be open to the public in 2022.
3. Bristol & Esther streets storm water improvements
This project is aimed at helping reduce flooding in the area of Bristol and Esther streets. Construction includes stormwater drainage improvements and some road reconstruction on Bristol Street. The project design was completed in 2021, and after utilities are relocated, construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2022 and be completed by the end of 2023.
4. Old Hearne Road improvements
Significant improvements are coming to Old Hearne Road from Sims Street and State Highway 21 north to just south of Wilhelm Drive, connecting to previous improvements. The project will improve drainage in the area through installation of an underground storm sewer system, widening the road to three lanes, installing curb and gutters and building sidewalks.
Construction proposals will be opened in late January 2022 with construction slated to begin in spring 2022 with completion by the end of 2023.
5. West Villa Maria shared-use path and street lighting
This project will add a 12-foot-wide shared-use path and street lighting on the north side of Villa Maria Road from State Highway 47 to FM 2818. It is being funded through a Texas Department of Transportation Alternatives Set-Aside (TASA) grant.
The design process will occur in 2022, with construction expected to begin in the spring of 2023.

6. South College Avenue
Motorists traveling South College Avenue from West Villa Maria Road to Carson Street will begin to see some changes to improve this thoroughfare beginning in Spring 2022. Several public meetings have been held with a final meeting scheduled for 5pm January 12, 2022 at the City’s Municipal Office Building.
This project is the next phase in the implementation of the Midtown Area Plan, which reimagines the Midtown Bryan area as a pedestrian-friendly, multi-modal and welcoming place for residents to enjoy and businesses to thrive.
Phase One of the South College Avenue reconstruction project includes: Roundabouts at Williamson Drive/Hollydale Street and Carson Street to improve traffic flow at each intersection; Medians along South College Avenue; A 8-to-12-foot-wide shared-use path on the west side of South College Avenue and a 6-foot-wide sidewalk on the east side of South College Avenue; Replacing water and sanitary sewer lines along the South College Avenue corridor; and Installing storm sewer and detention facilities.
These improvements will help increase the efficiency and safety of South College Avenue for vehicles and pedestrians, improve the stormwater drainage in the area and help alleviate flooding in the area, replace aging infrastructure and encourage neighborhood revitalization and economic development. Special consideration is also being given to protect as many trees as possible in the project area.
During construction, localized detours will be provided. This phase of the project is expected to be complete in 2023.
7. Storm drainage improvements near Carter Creek Parkway and Wayside Drive
City staff are working to alleviate localized drainage issues in the Wayside Drive and Carter Creek Parkway area. Consultants have been selected, and they have been working on the design in 2021. Construction is estimated to begin near the end of 2022 and be complete by late 2023.
8. Palasota Drive improvements
The first phase of the Palasota Drive improvements from Groesbeck Street to just north of Anson Jones Elementary School continues to be under construction in 2022. Improvements include curb and gutter roadway with storm sewer system, sidewalks and 2 new roundabouts at the Beck Street and Groesbeck Street intersections with Palasota. Construction on Phase 2 begins in January 2022 and will extend the curb and gutter, drainage and sidewalk improvements to where Palasota Drive and 28th Street intersect

9. Downtown Quiet Zone
Residents and visitors in Downtown will hear less noise as trains pass through the city within the next few years. Infrastructure improvements will allow the Downtown area to be turned into a Quiet Zone – meaning fewer trains will be blowing their horns at each railroad crossing.
Twenty-two crossings in Downtown will see changes that include raised medians, curbs on the crossing approaches, crossing gates and new traffic signals. These improvements were scheduled to occur in spring and summer of 2020; however, the Federal Rail Administration (FRA) delayed issuing their approval of the planned improvements. FRA approval has been received for the project and the first construction contract for raised medians on some of the track crossing approaches was completed in 2021. However, proceeding with further construction of the planned improvements is now contingent on Union Pacific Railroad completion of their trackside system improvements throughout the project limits. Based on current discussions with UPRR, construction of the planned improvements is not expected to happen until 2023. Some changes are anticipated that will require additional approval from the FRA, so the expected completion timeframe for the Quiet Zone going into effect is highly speculative with the best-case scenario being the end of 2023.
Phase II of the median and streetside improvements and the Groesbeck Street crossing is designed and ready to bid once Union Pacific completes their trackside work. Once construction is complete, additional inspections and another submission to the FRA to be complete by the railroad. Our best estimate is that the Quiet Zone will go into effect by late 2023 or early 2024.

10. William Joel Bryan Parkway Improvements
This project is a partnership between the City of Bryan, the Texas Department of Transportation and the Bryan-College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization. It focuses on safety and mobility improvements on William Joel Bryan Parkway from Texas Avenue to Earl Rudder Freeway.
Plans include installing raised medians along the roadway, roundabouts at each end of Sue Haswell Memorial Park and traffic signals on North Coulter Drive at both intersections of William Joel Bryan Parkway. There will also be shared-use paths, crosswalks, additional landscaping, and BTU has already begun converting existing aerial power lines from overhead to underground.
Utility relocations will occur in the first half of 2022, and TXDOT construction work will begin by the end of 2022. The project is expected to be complete by the end of 2024.
11. Old Oaks subdivision/ Hillside Drainage improvements
Residents in the Oaks subdivision will see storm sewer and street improvements coming soon. These improvements will expand the currently undersized drainage system in the subdivision. Design will be completed in early 2022, and construction is expected to begin in the spring of 2022, depending on utility relocation and easements. Construction should be complete by the end of 2023.
12. Traffic Signals
Traffic signals at two intersections along 29th Street will be replaced this year. The current signals at these intersections are past their life expectancy, and the new signals will reduce maintenance costs, improve traffic timings, increase efficiency and add pedestrian crossing buttons. This project was originally scheduled for 2021, but high initial bids caused the project to re-bid to obtain better pricing.
The poles, mast arms, signals, pedestrian crossing lights, controllers and communication devices will be completely replaced. The intersections at 29th Street and Broadmoor Drive and 29th and Carter Creek Parkway will receive the new traffic signals, with construction beginning as early as summer 2022 and completed by the end of the year.
Two additional traffic signals at Briarcrest Drive and Villa Maria Road, and Briarcrest and Broadmoor Drive are scheduled to be replaced in 2023.
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