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City of Bryan, Texas



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Vendor/Solicitor Licenses

Any person or business entity conducting a business within the city without a fixed location or place of business is considered a solicitor. This includes all door-to-door sales persons and any agent or representative doing business by visiting potential customers, without appointment, for retail sales.

Any person or business establishing a place of business in the city on a temporary basis is considered an itinerant vendor, which includes, but is not limited to:

  • All roadside sales locations located in or on rights-of-way;
  • Outdoor sales booths;
  • Setups;
  • Tailgate sales;
  • Truckload sales and tent sales;
  • All door-to-door sales locations, all sales from “moving vehicles”;
  • Auctions, either private or public; and
  • All indoor sales of a temporary nature not conducted in a retail establishment.

For special restrictions, refer to the City of Bryan Code of Ordinances Sec. 90-22. – Restrictions.

Solicitors and itinerant vendors must first obtain approval from the city to conduct and/or establish a place of business within Bryan city limits. Any vendor or solicitor must submit a Vendor/Solicitor License application through the city’s online portal, Citizenserve.

  1. On the home page of the portal, click the “Apply for a Business License” option listed under Business Licensing.
  2. If a vendor has not created a portal profile yet, one must be created at this time.
  3. Once registered, the application window with a drop-down box will appear.
  4. In the drop-down box, the vendor will choose the “Vendor/Solicitor License” option as the application type, then fill in the required fields of the application.
    1. Vendor Business Name
    2. Address or Parcel Number
  5. Upon entering the address or parcel number, the rest of the application will become visible to the applicant.
  6. For a vendor/solicitor license, the vendor will need to submit the following:
    • Completed application
    • Charter of Articles of Incorporation
    • A current list of directors, partners and principals
    • Identification documents for each employee (driver’s license, state-issued identification card, passport, etc.)
    • If locating on private property, a location map or site plan
    • Fee: $11 plus an additional $1 per person
  7. All itinerant vendors and solicitors intending to have signage shall comply with Bryan Code of Ordinances Chapter 98 – Signs.
  8. For more detailed information on what is required within the application, please refer to the City of Bryan Code of Ordinances Sec. 90-20. – License and application.
  9. After all necessary documents are submitted, the application will be reviewed by staff, and upon approval, the license will be issued.
    1. Itinerant vendors’ licenses shall be valid for one year.
    2. Solicitors’ and handbill distributors’ licenses shall be valid for 30 days but may be renewed upon payment of a $10 renewal fee. A renewal shall be valid for 12 months. Individual employees’ licenses may be renewed upon payment of a $1 renewal fee. Each applicant for renewal must verify permit information as correct and file copies of sales tax returns for the prior license period.