Planning and Development Grant Programs
Corridor Beautification Partnership
The Corridor Beautification Partnership (CBP) is a matching grant program approved by the Bryan City Council. The grant focuses on improvements to retail and commercial properties located along the Texas Avenue corridor, as well as the South College Avenue corridor and a portion of the Villa Maria Road corridor within Midtown in Bryan.
If a property is in need of outer improvements to the landscaping, façade or signage, then the property owner or tenant can apply for these funds.
Matching grants are awarded for up to 50 percent of the total estimated construction cost.
Life Safety Grant
The Life Safety Grant (LSG) is a matching grant program intended to provide financial assistance for the installation and compliance of the International Building Code fire suppression and safety code requirements. Eligible improvements include but are not limited to; fire sprinkler systems, fire alarms, fire rated windows, walls and doors, means of egress and exit signage. As of April 12, 2022, only properties located within the downtown boundary are eligible for grease/fire suppression hood improvements.
Matching grants are awarded for up to 50 percent of the total estimated cost, up to $35,000 for each life safety improvement. The aggregate total of grants awarded to a property may not exceed $50,000.
How to Apply and Awarding of Grants
Grants are awarded based on a fiscal year calendar which begins on Oct. 1 of each year. Applications are reviewed on a first-come-first served basis. Once all funds for the fiscal year have been allocated, no more applications will be accepted until the following fiscal year.Applications may be submitted for each fiscal year starting on Sept. 1 and ending on July 31.
In an effort to assist as many applicants as possible with the limited program funds available, the City of Bryan can not guarantee that all submitted requests will be funded.
For more information please contact Katie Williams, AICP, Senior Planner at or call (979) 209-5030.