Drainage Projects
Drainage Projects
Flood Studies
Drainage Projects
Bristol St & Esther Blvd Drainage Improvements
City Job No. 425-D2-1910
This contract will include, replacement of existing storm sewer collection system to increase capacity to Burton Creek, new storm sewers to be installed within existing right-of-ways. Reconstruction of concrete streets where new storm sewer will be installed, resizing and addition of storm inlets to increase capture capacity, and 2D modeling.
Bristol & Esther Project Map in PDF Format
General Information
- Project Manager/City Contact: Sarah Green, E.I.T.
- Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.
- Public Meeting: First Presentation – July 8, 2020
- Neighborhood Feedback: Give Us Your Input on This Project
- Funding Source: Fund 245 – Drainage Fee
- Design Engineer: Walker Partners LLC
- Contract Amount: $354,500.00
- Status: Complete
- Funding Source: Fund 245 – Drainage Fee
- Contractor: Texcon General Contractors
- Contract Amount: $ 7,264,127.39
- City Inspector: Max Dimas
- Status: Construction is 4% complete. The design has been amended to include a bike route and a sidewalk.
- Updated: 1/15/25
Briar & Burton Creek Slope Stabilization Project
City Job No. 425-D2-2102
This contract will address the stability of Briar & Burton Creek banks occurring along the unlined segment of the channel. In 2020, construction of the concrete lining of part of the channel was completed. The scope of this project is stabilization from the existing concrete lining to the end of the channel at N. Earl Rudder Freeway Western Frontage Road, approximately 900-feet of Briar Creek.
General Information
- Project Manager/City Contact: James Hayes, E.I.T.
- Funding Source: Capital Reserve Fund
- Design Engineer: Freese & Nichols
- Contract Amount: $306,933.00
- Status: The design engineer received the requested information from TxDOT and the design process has resumed. The design engineer is incorporating that information into the 100% plan set for submittal to the City.
- Funding Source:
- Contractor: TBD
- Contract Amount: TBD
- City Inspector: TBD
- Status:
- Updated: 1/15/25
Hillside Oaks & Old Oaks Drainage Improvements
City Job No. 332-425-DE-2026
The contract is a neighborhood drainage improvements project aimed to alleviate lot flooding and improve surface drainage throughout The Oaks neighborhood. The scope consists of
installation of new, and upsizing of existing, storm sewer. Additionally, the local streets will be re-constructed following storm sewer installation, with the inversion of Hillside Drive and installation of a trench drain down the center of the inverted street.
General Information
- Project Manager/City Contact: Sarah Green, E.I.T.
- Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.
- Funding Source: Fund 245 – Drainage Fee
- Design Engineer: Goodwin Lasiter Strong
- Contract Amount:$236,500
- Status: Complete
- Funding Source: Fund 245 – Drainage Fee
- Contractor: Texcon General Contractors
- Contract Amount: $3,049,293.00
- City Inspector: Michael Oliver
- Status: Construction is approximately 92% complete.
- Updated: 1/15/25
Wayside Drive Storm Sewer Improvements
City Job No. 425-D1-2028
This project includes the analysis of and improvements to storm water infrastructure in various locations along Wayside Drive.
General Information
- Project Manager/City Contact: Jon MacKay, E.I.T.
- Funding Source: General Fund
- Design Engineer: Gessner Engineering
- Contract Amount: $110,000
- Status: Staff held a 60% plan comment review meeting with the designer and the 90% plan set is being prepared. A site visit resulted in additional comments as well. A project meeting is scheduled for January to discuss outstanding questions before the final plan set is prepared.
Feedback Form: Share Your Thoughts
- Funding Source: General Fund
- Contractor: TBD
- Contract Amount: TBD
- City Inspector: TBD
- Status: 1/15/25
Briar Creek Floodplain Modeling
City Job No. 425-D1-0004
Through this contract, the Consultant will update the rainfall and runoff generation (hydrologic) and floodplain (hydraulic) modeling for Briar Creek, using updated topographic information as well as more accurate information related to the Carter’s Creek floodplain which significantly affects this watershed. The results of the updated models will be provided to FEMA for the Letter of Map Revision (LOMR) process to update the community Flood Insurance Rate Maps.
Briar Creek Project Map in PDF Format
General Information
- Project Manager/City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.
- Funding Source: Fund 245 – Drainage Fee
- Design Engineer: Mitchell & Morgan
- Contract Amount: $32,200.00
- Status: FEMA Submittal
- Updated: 1/15/25