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City of Bryan, Texas



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Street and Sidewalk Projects

City Projects

City and TxDOT Partnership Projects

City Projects

Woodville Road Reconstruction Phase 1

City Job No. 332-DE-2302

Phase One of the Woodville Road Reconstruction will convert the street from an open ditch roadway to curb and
gutter and storm sewer along with replacing other utilities from North Texas Avenue to Old Hearne Road.

Woodville Road Project Area Map

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Brianna Groves, P.E., C.F.M.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: Solid Waste Enterprise Fund to be reimbursed by 2024 Bond Fund
  • Design Engineer: RME Consulting Engineers
  • Contract Amount: $296,000
  • Status: In design. ROW and Easement exhibits have been completed and land acquisition offers are being made. Once land acquisition is complete, the 75% plan set will be completed and ready for City staff review.
  • Updated: 12/9/24


  • Funding Source: General Fund
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Old Hearne Road Widening – Phase 1 (Wilhelm Drive to Texas Avenue)

City Job No. 332-DE-1506

Project includes the surveying and engineering design for the widening and reconstruction of Old Hearne Road from Wilhelm Drive to Texas Avenue and a short section of Sims Ave from Texas Avenue to the railroad tracks.   The roadway design will convert the existing open ditch sections within the project limits to curb and gutter pavement with sidewalks for increased pedestrian safety. Utility improvements consist of 4300 feet of sanitary sewer line replacements and 5500 feet of waterline replacements.  Additionally, there will be a new traffic signal installed at the intersection of Old Hearne Rd and Texas Avenue with ADA facilities, enhanced pedestrian features, and crosswalk striping.

Old Hearne Road Project Map in PDF Format

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Sam Vernon, P.E., C.F.M.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: General Fund
  • Design Engineer: Quiddity (formally Jones & Carter)
  • Contract Amount: $765,000.00
  • Status: Complete


  • Funding Source: General Fund
  • Contractor: Larry Young Paving, Inc.
  • Contract Amount: $7,618,127.00
  • City Inspector: Kurk Fowler
  • Status: Construction is approximately 90% complete.
  • Updated: 12/18/24


Old Hearne Road Extension (Indian Trail to SH6)

City Job No. 332-DE-2201

The Old Hearne Road Extension project will construct approximately 1800 LF of roadway between Indian Trail and Earl Rudder Freeway, and approximately 500 LF of BRAC roadway from Old Hearne Road into the park and connecting to the future BTU administrative building site.

 General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Eric Blackburn, E.I.T.


  • Funding Source: Fund 374 – 2020 Bonds
  • Design Engineer: Gessner Engineering LLP
  • Contract Amount: $152,500
  • Status: Bids were due December 6th. Proposals are being evaluated. Staff expects that construction will start in early 2025.
  • Update: 12/9/24


  • Funding Source: TBD
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Old Hearne Road Reconstruction – Phase 3 (Woodville Road to Wilkes Street)

City Job No. 332-DE-2301

The Old Hearne Road Reconstruction Ph. 3 will convert the existing street from an open ditch roadway to curb and gutter and storm sewer along with replacing other utilities from Woodville Road to Wilkes Street. This section will be a continuation of the 38-foot-wide reinforced concrete roadway with 8-feet wide sidewalks. Design will include a roundabout at the Old Hearne Road and Stevens Street intersection. Additionally, existing water lines will be upgraded and sanitary sewer lines will be constructed and upgraded.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Sarah Green, E.I.T., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: 2024 Bonds
  • Design Engineer: RME Consulting Engineers
  • Contract Amount: $403,000.00
  • Status: City is reviewing the 50% plan set submitted by the design engineer on 10/28/24. Plan revisions are on hold as the City acquires right-of-way.
  • Updated: 12/10/24


  • Funding Source:
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Old Reliance Road Widening

City Job No. 332-D3-1512

This contract includes providing design (including survey, environmental and geotechnical investigation, as needed), bidding, and construction phase services associated with the widening of Old Reliance Road. The general configuration includes a four-lane divided road from Austin’s Colony Parkway east to the city limits, approximately 3,650 linear feet of roadway. The project will also include 10-foot shared use path on one side of the road to provide bicycle and pedestrian access to Rudder High School.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Eric Blackburn, E.I.T.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M


  • Funding Source: 2024 Bonds
  • Design Engineer: Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong
  • Contract Amount: $648,300.00
  • Status: Staff is working on an Interlocal Agreement with the County regarding additional road. Council will need to approve before design can continue.
  • Update: 12/9/24


  • Funding Source:
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Commerce Street Reconstruction – Phase 1

City Job No. 332-DE-1620

The Commerce Street Reconstruction Ph 1 project will upgrade the roadway, sidewalks, and drainage systems from Beck Street to Lee Avenue. The project will transform the current asphalt road with open ditches into a 37-foot wide concrete street with 6-foot wide sidewalks on both sides, improving safety for pedestrians and vehicles. Key infrastructure improvements include replacing existing water and sewer lines and constructing a new storm sewer system with box culverts to enhance drainage and reduce flooding. The project also involves coordinating with overhead utility relocations and preparing for street lighting by BTU. Construction began in January 2024 and is expected to be completed by the end of the year.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: James Hayes, E.I.T.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: Transportation Fund
  • Design Engineer: RME Consulting Engineers
  • Contract Amount: $91,400
  • Status: Complete


  • Funding Source: Transportation Fund
  • Contractor: Norman Construction Services LLC
  • Contract Amount: $2,957,540.00
  • City Inspector: Kurk Fowler
  • Status: The project has reached Substantial Completion. This month, we will conduct a Punchlist Inspection to identify any outstanding items that require correction. Following the inspection, a list of these The project has reached Substantial Completion. This month, we will conduct a Punchlist Inspection to identify any outstanding items that require correction. Following the inspection, a list of these items will be provided to the contractor for resolution. City staff are optimistic that final acceptance of the project may be achieved early 2025.
  • Updated:  12/18/24

Project Tracker – July Update 


South College Avenue Reconstruction- Phase 1

City Job No. 332-DE-2016

The project involves the reconstruction of approximately 4,300 linear feet of South College Avenue from West Villa Maria Road to Carson Street. It includes replacing and upgrading aging water and sewer facilities, including offsite sanitary sewer lines serving neighboring residential areas, and installing an underground storm sewer system. The project also includes street lighting and pedestrian improvements, with a 12-foot wide shared use path along the west side of South College Avenue and a 6-foot wide sidewalk along the east side. Replacing the aging water and sewer lines will modernize the infrastructure, while the upgraded storm sewer network will enhance the stormwater drainage system to reduce localized flooding. This project will improve the safety and efficiency of the roadway for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic and aims to encourage neighborhood revitalization and promote economic development in the area.

Monthly Update Letters

South College Avenue Project Map in PDF Format

Please Submit Questions/Comments

**NEW** Interactive Story Map

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: James Hayes, E.I.T.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: General Fund
  • Design Engineer: Goodwin Lasiter Strong
  • Contract Amount: $547,455.00
  • Status: Complete


  • Funding Source: General Fund, Water Fund, & Sanitary Sewer Fund
  • Contractor: Larry Young Paving, Inc
  • Contract Amount: $15,990,929.00
  • City Inspector: Alan Mitchell/Max Dimas
  • Status: In the past month, LYP has successfully implemented opening up South College Ave from Villa Maria to Bizzell St. Additionally, opening to short of Hollydale St is anticipated around the new year.
  • Updated: 12/18/2024


Sulphur Springs Road & Utilities Improvements

City Job No. 411-611-DE-1803

This contract will provide roadway, sidewalk, water, and sewer improvements between Sulphur Springs Road and East Villa Maria Road, East of South College Avenue to Cavitt Avenue. The roadway improvements will include wider curb and gutter streets with sidewalks along one side of the street. Many of the existing public water and sewer lines in this area are substandard and located on private property. The majority of those lines will be abandoned or removed and new water and sewer lines will be placed in the Right-of-Way.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Eric Blackburn, E.I.T.


  • Funding Source:  Fund 510 – Water & Fund 515 – Wastewater
  • Design Engineer: Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong
  • Contract Amount: $122,900.00
  • Status: Complete


  • Funding Source: Fund 240 – Transportation, Fund 510 – Water, & Fund 515 – Wastewater
  • Contractor: Norman Construction Services LLC
  • Contract Amount: $3,214,208.00
  • City Inspector: Alan Mitchell/Max Dimas
  • Status: Total construction is approximately Substantially Complete.
  • Update: 12/9/24


Mumford Rd Widening – Phase 1

City Job No. 332-D3-2329

This contract will reconstruct and widen the roadway to a width of 38′ with a continuous center turn lane. Approximately 6400 linear feet of road beginning at the intersection of Mumford Rd and FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Pkwy) to approximately 460 linear feet from Carrier Ln. In addition to road widening, drainage improvements will include curb inlets, storm sewer and a 26-foot wide by approximately 60-foot span bridge. Street lighting is also proposed.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Eric Blackburn, E.I.T.


  • Funding Source:  2024 Bonds; EDA Grant
  • Design Engineer: Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong
  • Contract Amount: $596,200.00
  • Status: Waiting for Economic Development Administration (EDA) approval before bidding project.
  • Update: 12/9/24


  • Funding Source:
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Leonard-Groesbeck Road Widening

City Job No. 332-411-425-611-DE-2417

With the current rate of development of Bryan’s west side, the need for roadway improvements has increased in order to continue to facilitate growth and connectivity within the City.  Leonard/Groesbeck is classified as a minor arterial.  The existing roadway is asphalt pavement with an open ditch drainage system.  There are existing underground and pole mounted utilities within the right of way.  There is an existing culvert crossing at Turkey Creek.  The limits of the project are from FM 2818 (Harvey Mitchell Parkway) to the recently constructed roundabout at the intersection of Palasota and Groesbeck, approximately 10,500 linear feet of roadway.  Groesbeck turns into Leonard Road at Bellaire Blvd.

The proposed section is currently planned as a 54-foot wide curbed concrete roadway with sidewalks on both sides.  The street would be single lanes, a two-way center turn lane, and striped bicycle lanes.  Sidewalks are planned on both sides of Leonard/Groesbeck.  FM 1688 is currently under design through TxDOT.  Leonard Road changes into FM 1688 at Harvey Mitchell Parkway, so coordination between designs may mean changes in the proposed section.  Curbs, curb inlets, and storm sewer pipes will replace the open ditch drainage.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Sarah Green, E.I.T., C.F.M.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: General Fund
  • Design Engineer: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • Status: Contract negotiations with a design engineering firm are now in the final stages.
  • Update: 12/10/24


  • Funding Source:
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Groesbeck Street Extension

City Job No. 332-D3-2330

The Groesbeck Extension project will extend a new road between S. College and Texas Avenue aligning with E 32nd Street. This project is envisioned as a key piece to regional mobility providing a connection to University Drive to the East and SH 47 to the West utilizing Groesbeck and Leonard Roads to connect to SH 47. The proposed road section is a 38-foot wide, 3 lane minor collector with center 2 way turn lane, curb and gutter with a sidewalk and shared use path and an urban storm sewer system with standard roadway lighting. The project will include a traffic signal installation at the Texas Avenue intersection.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Eric Blackburn, E.I.T.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: 2024 Bonds
  • Design Engineer: Bleyl Engineering
  • Contract Amount: $240,070.00
  • Status: Meetings with property owners regarding the acquisition of Rights-of-Way are continuing. Detailed design will start when ROW is acquired.
  • Update: 12/9/24


  • Funding Source:
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


Hardy Weedon Traffic Signal & Road Improvement

City Job No. 332-DE-2203


  • Funding Source: General Fund
  • Design Engineer: Bleyl Engineering
  • Contract Amount: $173,000
  • Status: Spoke with the design engineer, will not make a design plan with consolidated driveways on west side of SH 30, will submit 100% plans soon
  • Update: 12/5/24


  • Funding Source:
  • Contractor: TBD
  • Contract Amount: TBD
  • City Inspector: TBD


W. Villa Maria Shared Use Path & Lighting

City Job No. 350-D8-2108


  • Funding Source: TASA Grant/2022 Bond Fund
  • Design Engineer: Goodwin-Lasiter-Strong
  • Contract Amount: $323,000
  • Status: Complete


  • Status: Phase 1 Construction is 90% complete. Obtained all necessary easements to continue construction, TxDOT requesting design plans for inlet conflict near Westwood MainPhase 2 of the project is in negotiations. The designer has been selected and a draft of the proposal has been reviewed and comments returned. A revised design contract is expected within the month.
  • Updated: 12/5/24


City and TxDOT Partnership Projects


William J. Bryan Pkwy (FM 158)  Improvements

City Job No. 700-DE-1710

The City of Bryan, in partnership with the Texas Department of Transportation and the Bryan/College Station Metropolitan Planning Organization, is planning safety and mobility improvements for William J. Bryan Parkway from Texas Avenue to SH 6.

This project will include improving pedestrian, cyclist and vehicular access and safety; reducing chronic traffic congestion along the corridor; improving access to Sue Haswell Park; and improvements to utilities and drainage.

WJB Project Map in PDF Format

Click Here to Learn More About the William J. Bryan Pkwy Improvement Project

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Brianna Groves, P.E., C.F.M.
  • Alternate City Contact: Sam Vernon, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: Transportation Fee; General Fund
  • Design Engineer: Binkley & Barfield
  • Contract Amount: $1,024,119.66
  • Status: Design is 100% complete.


  • Funding Source: TxDOT Project
  • Contractor: Larry Young Paving
  • Contract Amount: TxDOT Project
  • Status: Construction is currently in progress.
  • Updated: 12/10/24

Texas Avenue Infrastructure Improvements

City Job No. 332-DE-1904

Project consists of improvements to Texas Ave from Old Hearne Road to University Drive.

General Information

  • Project Manager/City Contact: Zach Kennard, P.E.
  • Alternate City Contact: Paul Kaspar, P.E., C.F.M.


  • Funding Source: General Fund, Transportation Fund
  • Design Engineer: Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc.
  • Contract Amount: $2,231,146.16
  • Status: All phases are complete.


  • Funding Source: TxDOT/MPO
  • Contractor: – Larry Young Paving, Inc.
  • Contract Amount: TxDOT project
  • City Inspector: TxDOT project
  • Status: Funding delay. Later phases to begin in 2026. In process of acquiring necessary easements.
  • Updated: 12/5/24