Public Services and Public Facility Funding Processes
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) – Public Facility Funding Applications Now Open
Completed proposals may be mailed to the City of Bryan Community Development, P.O. Box 1000, Bryan, Texas 77805, hand delivered to 1803 Greenfield Plaza, Bryan, Texas 77802, or emailed to
Completed proposals must be submitted by April 4, 2025.
For questions or more information, contact Community Development at 979-209-5175, or by e-mail.
Public Services Funding
The City of Bryan may allocate up to 15% of the annual Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds received from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to assist local, non-profit Public Service Agencies to provide new services or a quantifiable increase in existing services to benefit primarily low to moderate income citizens of the City of Bryan. Funds are allocated to eligible non-profits through a competitive application process annually. The application period will be publicly posted, and usually begins in January or February, with funding recommendations made in May or June, for funding contracts to be effective October 1.
Some of the agencies that have received funding in the past include Catholic Charities, Family Promise, Project Unity, Scotty’s House, Twin City Mission’s The Bridge, Phoebe’s Home, Brazos Food Bank, Girls Club, North Bryan Community Center, Family Medicine Center, Hospice, Literacy Volunteers and Sheltering Arms. These agencies provide a wide range of services, such as healthcare, food, clothing, shelter, education, recreation, literacy, anti-crime and anti-abuse to meet the needs of low to moderate income citizens.
For questions or more information, contact Community Development at 979-209-5175, or by e-mail.
Public Facility Funding
In addition to funding non-profit public services, Community Development Block Grant funds are also used in the acquisition of property, rehabilitation or construction of non-profit public facilities, building or repair of public infrastructure and purchase of park equipment. To receive funds the public facility must provide equal access to all citizens; be located in a low to moderate income area; or, provide services to low to moderate income citizens (as determined according to HUD guidelines). Below are several examples of past funding.
- North Bryan Community Center, Girls Club, Brazos Food Bank, Scotty’s House, Twin City Mission, Crestview Retirement Community, Junction 505 and Bryan/College Station Community Health Center have each received funds to either rehabilitate or construct their facilities.
- Sandy Point sewer was extended with the help of CDBG funds.
- Scurry, Washington, Thomas, Henderson, Castle Heights and Williamson Parks all received new equipment purchased with CDBG funds.
Information concerning the application for public services and public facility funding as well as the award process may be obtained by contacting Community Development at 979-209-5175 or by e-mail.
Community Housing Development Organization Funding (CHDO)
Information concerning the application for approval as a CHDO, funding availability and the award process may be obtained by contacting Community Development at 979-209-5175 or by e-mail.