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City of Bryan, Texas



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Engineering Services

William J. Bryan Parkway construction updates

Road construction related to the William J. Bryan Parkway Improvements Project is in full swing. Here are the latest updates on when the WJB project is expected to be completed.

View the updates

Our mission is to improve the quality of life for the citizens of Bryan by guiding the growth and managing the design of the city’s infrastructure. We strive to create an environment that encourages development and protects community interests. Below is a brief summary of the primary functions of Engineering Services:

  • Development Review: Review development plans to ensure that water, wastewater, street and drainage improvements meet Bryan development standards. Oversized Participation Request Application
  • Capital Improvements: Design and manage capital improvement projects such as water and wastewater repair and rehabilitation, pavement reconstruction and drainage improvements.
  • Construction Inspection: Inspect the construction of public infrastructure to ensure it meets all necessary specifications.
  • Floodplain Administration: Oversee and regulate development within Bryan’s floodplains and floodwaters.
  • Infrastructure Master Plans: Assist in developing infrastructure master plans for Bryan. The purpose of these master plans is to ensure that Bryan’s infrastructure is built to meet anticipated City growth and development and to reveal needed improvements for existing infrastructure.
  • Plan Retention:  Creation, maintenance and archiving of plans and maps of public infrastructure.

Contact Us

  • Phone: (979) 209-5030
  • Fax: (979) 209-5035

Email Us

Hours / Directions

  • Address:
    Bryan Municipal Office Building
    300 S. Texas Avenue (First floor)
    Bryan, TX 77803
  • Office Hours:
    Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. – 5 p.m.


  • W. Paul Kaspar, P.E., City Engineer | Engineering Department Manager
  • Zachary Kennard, P.E., RSP1 | Assistant City Engineer
  • Eric Blackburn, E.I.T., Graduate Civil Engineer
  • Sarah Green, E.I.T., CFM, Graduate Civil Engineer | Stormwater Engineer
  • James Hayes, E.I.T., Graduate Civil Engineer
  • Jon MacKay, E.I.T., Graduate Civil Engineer
  • Sean Smith, E.I.T., Graduate Civil Engineer
  • Elizabeth Pedersen, E.I.T, Graduate Civil Engineer | Traffic Operations
  • Delores Soto, Engineering Administrative Supervisor
  • Katelyn Lilly, Administrative Assistant | Public Infrastructure Contractor Registration | ROW Permitting
  • Jennifer Sanford, Administrative Assistant
  • Kurk Fowler, Engineering Inspector
  • Paul Kocman, Engineering Inspector
  • P. Alan Mitchell, Engineering Inspector
  • Michael Oliver, Engineering Inspector
  • Max Dimas, Engineering Inspector
  • Garrett Carlson, GIS Project Coordinator

BCS Unified Design Guidelines, Specifications and Standard Construction Details

This information is provided as a technical resource for engineering and architectural professionals for use in design and construction activities in the rights-of-way or easements. Design professionals assume responsibility for selection, reference, and appropriate application of these resources. These standard details can only be modified, when approved in advance, by the City Engineer, or an authorized representative. Persons making use of the information contained in these files shall be solely responsible for their use. These files are not intended as a substitute for the professional judgment of a design professional.

Easements and Rights-of-Way

An easement is an instrument that gives the City access through a property owner’s land to any infrastructure that the City is responsible for maintaining. Certain easements are also used by phone, cable and electricity companies.

Citizens may contact the City of Bryan to inquire about any easements crossing their property or easements on property they may be interested in purchasing. Engineering Services can assist in identifying the following easements within the Bryan city limits: water line easements, sewer line easements, street right-of-way easements, drainage easements and public utilities easements. For assistance with electrical easements, citizens should contact Bryan Texas Utilities (BTU) at (979) 821-5700.

Citizens may also contact Engineering Services to find out how wide the right-of-way is for any City street. Engineering Services can inform property owners of the approximate distance from the curb line of the street to the right-of-way line so they can measure and have an idea how far the street’s right-of-way may extend back from the curb.

Land Clearing and Construction

Why are land clearing and construction activities important?

Dirt, materials and trash from construction and/or land clearing activities can be washed into the city’s drainage system. Remember, the drainage system is not a treatment system. These pollutants flow directly to local waterways where they can have a negative impact on water quality.

So, what’s the solution?

The solution is to keep dirt and trash on your site by having an adequate plan and simple devices in place to contain runoff.

The City of Bryan prohibits the discharge of pollutants to the City’s storm drain system. In order to comply with the Stormwater Management Ordinance, if your site meets certain criteria, you may need to apply for a Grading Permit and possibly a (TPDES) Construction General Permit.

The Texas Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (TPDES) Construction General Permit went into effect on March 5, 2018. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is the permitting authority. The permit authorizes the discharge of stormwater associated with both large (greater than 5 acres) and small (greater than 1 acre but less than 5 acres) construction sites. The TPDES Construction General Permit as well as other necessary documents are provided below.  Links to valuable information from TCEQ, EPA and other sources are also provided.

TCEQ Assistance

Contractor Registration Program


The objective of the registration program is to substantiate that contractors have the experience, equipment, knowledge, insurance, bonding capacity and stability to safely and efficiently construct the public infrastructure that will service the citizens of Bryan and operate safely in public rights of way.


This Registration applies to Contractors hired by:

  1. the City to construct public infrastructure;
  2. private developers to construct infrastructure to be dedicated to the public;
  3. land owners or private utilities to work in Public Rights of Way or Public Easements.


How can I register?

The first step to becoming a Registered Contractor under this program, is to select the Registration Class that most closely relates to the work you intend to perform. Please reference the table below for a brief summary of the 4 Registration Classes.

registration classes cropped

[1] Please refer to the Design Manuel for Right-of-Way Installations – Chapter II Section C. – Registration Information.

To apply for registration under one of the Registration Classes in the table above please visit our online permitting portal at:

Find Citizenserve online portal contractor registration instructions here.

Please reference the list below for contractors currently authorized to perform work on or near public infrastructure within City of Bryan City Limits.


CLASS I – Capital Improvement
Bayer Construction Electrical Contractors, Inc I
Brazos Paving, Inc I
Britt Rice Electric I
CC Electric, LLC I
Cervantez Construction, LLC I
Civil Constructors, Inc. dba Texcon General Contractors I
D&S Contracting, Inc I
Dowling Electric I
Elliott Construction, LLC I
Horton Excavating, LLC I
JaCody Construction, LP I
Jon Tucker Construction, LLC I
Kieschnick General Contractors I
Knife River Corporation – South I
Larry Young Paving, Inc I
Norman Construction Services, LLC I
Rubios Solutions I
Schieffer Corp I
Teal Services, LLC I
Terra Bella Construction I
Texas Materials Group, Inc I
WBW Construction I
CLASS II – Development
Cheyenne Construction Group II
Cox Plumbing, Inc. II
EAS Development, LLC. II
Interwest Construction TX, LLC. II
Perry Construction, LLC. II
Sendero Industries, LLC. II
South Construction, Inc. II
SpawGlass II
Texas KB Utilities II
Woodforest Earth Works, LLC. II
CLASS III – Vicinity & Repair
Barrington & Burdette dba OSP Technologies III
Fast Track Construction, LLC. III
Housley Communications, Inc. III
J.C. Communications III
JNA Communications III
Online Directional Boring, LP. III
Vecta Environmental Services, LLC. III
MetroNet Technologies, Inc. III

If you still have questions please feel free to:

Contact Information