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City of Bryan, Texas



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Financial Transparency

City of Bryan Debt Transparency

The 84th Legislature passed HB 1378 to increase local government debt transparency. Under Local Government Code 140.008, certain political subdivisions, including counties, cities, school districts, junior college districts, special purpose districts and other subdivisions of state government must annually compile their debt obligation data from the preceding fiscal year.

For more information on local debt reporting, visit the Texas Comptroller’s website.

Hotel/Motel Tax Expenditures


Total revenues for FY2023 are $2,440,106.40. Percentage of revenues reported for each category for FY2023 are based on expenditures for each category during FY2023. Expenditures will vary from revenues in any year due to timing of collections vs. spending.

Source: City of Bryan – Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax Expenditures for the Year Ended Sept. 30, 2023


Total revenues for FY2022 are $2,008,421. Percentage of revenues reported for each category for FY2022 are based on expenditures for each category during FY 2022. Expenditures will vary from revenues in any year due to timing of collections vs. spending.

Source: City of Bryan – Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax Expenditures for the Year Ended Sept. 30, 2022


Total revenues for FY2021 are $1,396,596. Percentage of revenues reported for each category for FY2021 are based on expenditures for each category during FY 2021. Expenditures will vary from revenues in any year due to timing of collections vs. spending.

Source: City of Bryan – Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax Expenditures for the Year Ended Sept. 30, 2021


Total revenues for FY2020 are $1,095,785. Percentage of revenues reported for each category for FY2020 are based on expenditures for each category during FY2020. Expenditures will vary from revenues in any year due to timing of collections vs. spending.

Source: City of Bryan – Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax Expenditures for the Year Ended Sept. 30, 2020


Total revenues for FY 2019 are $1,798,691. Percentage of revenues reported for each category for FY 2019 are based on expenditures for each category during FY 2019. Expenditures will vary from revenues in any year due to the timing of collections vs. spending.

Source: City of Bryan – Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax Expenditures for the Year Ended Sept. 30, 2019


Total revenues for FY2018 are $1,748,501. Percentage of revenues reported for each category for FY2018 are based on expenditures for each category during FY2018. Expenditures will vary from revenues in any year due to the timing of collections vs. spending.

Source: City of Bryan – Municipal Hotel Occupancy Tax Expenditures for the Year Ended Sept. 30, 2018

Hotel/Motel Tax Annual Report of Activities

Budget Document Archive

These documents are identical to the published versions. No alterations, additions or deletions have been made. The documents are in PDF format and do not include any budget amendments made subsequent to City Council approval.

Financial Document Archive

These documents are identical to the published versions. No alterations, additions or deletions have been made. The documents are in PDF format.

Annual Comprehensive Financial Report (ACFR)

These are the approved annual reports for the noted fiscal years. They are identical to the published versions and have not been updated for developments subsequent to the date of the independent auditors’ report. Please note that these are dated information for historical reference only.

Single Audit Reports

These documents are the Schedule of Expenditures of Federal and State Awards; and Reports on Compliance.

Quarterly Financial Statements

Quarterly Financial Statements are reviewed with the City’s Audit Committee.





Quarterly Investment Committee Reports