Splash Pads Open for the Season at Three Bryan Parks
Ready for splashing fun? The City of Bryan’s three splash pads are now open with free admission! Residents and visitors can enjoy water-filled fun at multiple parks.
Get that creativity flowing! The Bryan Fire Department Fire Prevention Poster Contest is back this year. Kids in Pre-K through 12th grade in Bryan are encouraged to use their artistic skills to help bring awareness to fire prevention.
Participants should create a poster that depicts any aspect of this year’s Fire Prevention Week theme, “Fire Won’t Wait. Plan Your Escape.”
Poster requirements:
One winning poster per grade level will be selected. 5. If you have questions please contact the Fire Marshal’s Office at 979.209.5960, or email questions to gburnett@bryantx.gov. If submitting digitally, please contact the Fire Department office to coordinate emailing or faxing and prevent misdirection/spam rejection of entries.
Fire Prevention Week is Oct. 9-15, 2022. It commemorates the Great Chicago Fire of Oct. 8-9, 1871.