Pools and Aquatic Programs
Notice: Bryan Aquatic Center Closed Through March 31 for Bulkhead Replacement
Pool Information and Safety
Children 12 and under must undergo the Note & Float swim test before engaging in recreational swimming activities.
Bryan Aquatic Center
3100 Oak Ridge Drive | 979-209-5222
Admission: Child (ages 4 – 11): $3 | Adult (ages 12+): $4
An Olympic-sized heated pool with a double-flume waterslide, the only public diving board in the area, and a zero-depth beach entry make the Bryan Aquatic Center a perfect spot for summer enjoyment. Diving board, waterslides, and recreational swim activities are limited to the summer season.
Lap swim is available year-round, with hours updated each season.
Closed Feb. 22 – March 31 for bulkhead replacement. Anticipated to reopen April 1, pending weather or construction delays.
April 1 – May 23
- Lap Swim (ages 14+)
Monday – Friday: 5:30 – 8:30 a.m. | 11:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. | 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday: 11:30 a.m. – 3 p.m. - Water Aerobics (ages 18+)
Tuesday – Friday: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
If weather permits; daily admission fees apply. - Holiday Closures
April 18 – 20 - Delayed Opening / Swim Meets
May 3, 10 and 24, opening by 2 p.m.
May 25 – Aug. 10
- Lap Swim (ages 14+)
Monday – Friday: 5:30 – 7:30 a.m. | Noon – 8 p.m.
Saturday: 11 a.m. – 7 p.m. - Water Aerobics (ages 18+)
Tuesday – Friday: 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
If weather permits, daily admission fees apply. - Recreational Swim
Tuesday – Sunday: 1 – 7 p.m.
Closed Mondays for cleaning and in-service. - Modified Hours
May 25, 1 – 7 p.m. | Slide into Summer
June 26, opening at 2 p.m. | The World’s Largest Swimming Lesson
July 31 – Aug. 3, Closed | Games of Texas
Aug. 8, closing at 6 p.m. | Dive-In Movie: “Moana” - Delayed Opening / Swim Meets
June 7 and July 12, opening by 2 p.m.
Henderson Harbor
1200 Ridgedale St. | 979-209-5221
Admission: Child (ages 4 – 11): $3 | Adult (ages 12+): $4
Offering a family-friendly aquatic experience, Henderson Harbor features a zero-depth entry pool complemented by engaging splash elements and a single flume water slide. Tailored for families with small children, this pool maintains a maximum depth of 4 feet.
- Recreational Swim | May 26 – Aug. 10
Monday, Tuesday & Friday: 1 – 7 p.m. - Modified Hours
July 31 – Aug. 3, Closed | Games of Texas
Pool rentals are available Saturdays only, from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. See the rental information section below for details.
Sadie Thomas Pool
129 Moss St. | 979-209-5606
Admission: Child (ages 4 – 11): $2 | Adult (ages 12+): $3
With a zero-depth entry and invigorating splash elements, Sadie Thomas Pool is ideal for all ages. The pool provides a versatile aquatic environment with a maximum depth of 5 feet. On Wednesdays, the environment is sensory-friendly, with no water features, and whistles are only used during emergencies.
- Recreational Swim | May 28 – Aug. 10
Wednesday, Thursday & Friday: 1 – 5 p.m. - Modified Hours
July 31 – Aug. 3, Closed | Games of Texas
Pool Passes
- 25-Punch Pass: Resident: $50 | Non-Resident: $60
- Annual Individual: Resident: $250 | Non-Resident: $300
- Annual Family (up to four): Resident: $400 | Non-Resident: $480
- Each additional family member: Resident: $50 | Non-Resident: $60
Tanglewood Park
3901 Carter Creek Parkway
Admission: Free
March 1 – Oct. 31
- Monday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Tiffany Park
3890 Copperfield Drive
Admission: Free
March 1 – May 23
- Monday – Sunday: 4 – 8 p.m.
May 24 – Aug. 12
- Monday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Aug. 13 – Oct. 31
- Monday – Friday: 4 – 8 p.m.
- Saturday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Gloria Stephan Sale Park
315 S. Main St.
Admission: Free
March 1 – Oct. 31
- Monday – Sunday: 9 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Our water safety campaign aims to inform the public about water safety and enhance safety at our facilities. Drowning is the number one cause of death for children under the age of 4 and is the third leading cause of death among children under age 14 within this age group. It occurs quickly and silently; 88% of drowning victims were under some sort of supervision at the time of the incident, and 75% of victims were missing for under 5 minutes.
Formal swimming lessons can reduce the risk of drowning by 88% for children aged 1 to 4 years. We are proud to partner with the Aquatic Safety Group’s National Note & Float™ Water Safety Campaign to offer life jackets to patrons using our facilities. This program targets parents with children who cannot swim.
The heart of the program is first identifying all non-swimmers who enter the facility, and then floating those swimmers in an appropriately sized life jacket. As a part of this program, water wings or “arm floaties” are not allowed at our aquatic facilities. Only U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices will be allowed to be worn in the pools.
The program follows six simple steps:
- ALL non-swimmers must check in at the facility with a parent/guardian before or when entering the facility.
- Parents/guardians and non-swimming children should receive written and verbal site-specific water safety instructions along with “learn to swim” information.
- Parents/guardians will be advised to supervise their children and keep them within arm’s reach.
- Non-swimmers age 7 and younger (or less than 48 inches tall) must wear a clearly identifiable wristband and a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, Type III, and remain in designated shallow water areas. They must also be within arm’s reach of a parent/guardian (at least 18 years of age) who is in the water with the child.
- Non-swimmers ages 8 through 12 must wear a clearly identifiable wristband and a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket, Type III, and must be actively supervised by a swimming parent/guardian (at least 18 years of age).
- Anyone who wishes to access deep water (greater than five feet deep) must pass the facility swim test or wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved Life jacket, Type III.
Traffic Light System
The Note & Float Program implements a “traffic light” system as follows:
Red – Stop!
Swimmers in this category must have a parent in the water within arm’s reach at all times and must wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket both in the pool and on the pool deck. If you observe a child with a red wristband unattended, please promptly notify a lifeguard.
Yellow – Caution!
Swimmers in this category can be in the water without a parent and can dog paddle and/or float on their own, but they are not yet ready for deep water or to use the slide. If you notice a child with a yellow wristband heading toward deep water, please notify a lifeguard immediately.
Green – Go!
A swimmer with a green wristband has successfully passed the facility swim test and is permitted to access all areas of the pool. In the event that a lifeguard needs to enter the water for a rescue, the individual will be identified with a red wristband and floated in an appropriately sized life jacket if available.
Pool Rules
- Entry requires payment per patron or a valid pass.
- Children aged 11 and under must be accompanied by an adult, 18 years or older. Children aged 6 and under must be within an arm’s length of their adult supervisor at all times when in the water.
- Those 12 and younger must pass a swim test or wear a Coast Guard-approved life jacket. A maximum of two children in life jackets per adult, no exceptions.
- All patrons must wear a swimsuit, and male suits must have a lining. Cut-offs, shorts, or gym trunks are prohibited in the pool.
- Patrons may be required to take a shower before entering the pool.
- Patrons with an open sore, wounds, bandages, diarrhea, or communicable conditions will be denied admittance.
- Distracting a lifeguard from their duty or falsely summoning aid is prohibited.
- Running, rough play, playing, and hanging on the ladders, partition walls, bulkhead, and lap lane lines are prohibited.
- Patrons are not allowed to dive or flip into the pool, excluding the diving board. Jumping from lifeguard stands and entering the pool backward is prohibited.
- Inflatable beach balls, aquatic toys, and floating apparatuses shall only be allowed at the discretion of the Head Lifeguard.
- Sticks, stones, dirt, spit, spouting water, blowing your nose, and urination or defecation are prohibited in the pool area.
- No patron or organization may provide any goods or services without written permission from the city.
- Smoking is prohibited anywhere on the premises.
- Alcohol or narcotics are prohibited on the premises. Anyone under the influence or in possession will be denied admittance.
- Abusive, loud, or profane language is not permitted on the premises.
- Food, gum, and drinks are not permitted in the pool. Patrons are allowed to bring their own food and drinks, but alcohol and glass bottles are prohibited. Staff reserve the right to check bags and coolers at the entrance to the facility.
- Lifeguards and cashiers, under the supervision of the Head Lifeguard and Aquatic Supervisor, have complete authority at all times to deny entry or ask patrons to leave the aquatic facility if rules are not followed.
Diving Board Rules
- Only one person is permitted on the diving board at any time.
- Divers are restricted to a single bounce on the diving board per dive.
- All diving or jumping must occur straight off the end of the board.
- Divers must wait until the diving area is clear.
- Divers should promptly exit the diving area.
- Goggles or earplugs may not be worn or held by individuals using the diving board.
- Divers may need to complete a swim test to demonstrate their swimming ability.
- Only dives with hands in the diving position are allowed.
- Inwards or gainers are not permitted.
Slide Rules
- Sliders may be required to complete a swim test to prove swimming ability.
- Sliders must be at least 4 feet tall to ride the slide.
- Only one slider is allowed on the slide at a time.
- No trains or head-first sliding are permitted.
- Sliders must ride feet first, lying down on their back.
- Goggles, earplugs, jewelry, and/or glasses may not be worn or held by sliders using the water slide.
- Sliders must follow all instructions from facility staff.
- Lifejackets and flotation devices are not allowed on waterslides.
Splash Pad Rules
- No lifeguard on duty. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times.
- No bare feet, water shoes are encouraged.
- Running and horseplay are prohibited.
- Pets, food, glass objects, alcohol, smoking, vaping, and tobacco are strictly prohibited.
- Please vacate splash pad at the first sign of thunder or lightning.
- Keep out of landscaped flower beds.
- Splash pad may close at any time due to weather, maintenance, or operational concerns.
- Please report any concerns to the Parks and Recreation Department at 979-209-5528.
Rentals will be accepted starting May 26 on a first-come, first-served basis. Henderson Harbor rentals are available Saturdays, and Sadie Thomas Pool rentals Sundays, from 1 to 3 p.m. and 5 to 7 p.m. Call 979-209-5222 or 979-209-5528 or visit the Parks and Recreation Office or Bryan Aquatic Center to reserve. Rentals are not secured until fees are paid in full.
Henderson Harbor
- 2 hours for 100 or less: Resident: $300 | Non-Resident: $360
- 2 hours for 101 – 200: Resident: $350 | Non-Resident: $420
- Each additional hour: Resident: $150 | Non-Resident: $180
Sadie Thomas Pool
- 2 hours for 100 or less: Resident: $250 | Non-Resident: $300
- 2 hours for 101 – 200: Resident: $300 | Non-Resident: $360
- Each additional hour: Resident: $125 | Non-Resident: $150
Programs and Classes
Through videos, group discussions, and hands-on practice, you will learn patron rescue, surveillance skills, first aid, and CPR/AED. This blended learning course includes online and instructor-led sessions, with the online portion to be completed before the in-class portion. Lifeguard manuals will be provided.
Participants must be at least 15 years old by the last day of class and meet swimming prerequisites before training. Attendance is required at all scheduled classes, with daily water activities. Participants must pass written and practical exams.
Please bring sunscreen, sunglasses, a hat, water or a water bottle, a towel, a change of clothes, and a swimsuit (one-piece swimsuits for females). One hour will be allotted for lunch.
Successful participants will receive CPR/AED professional rescuer and lifeguarding certifications valid for two years.
Ages: 15+
Registration: Jan. 6 – June 26
Fees: Resident: $165 | Non-Resident: $180
Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
Deep Water Prerequisites
Successful completion of the following:
Prerequisite 1: Complete a swim-tread-swim sequence without stopping to rest:
- Jump into the water, fully submerge, resurface, then swim 150 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both. (Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed.)
- Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs.
- Swim 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both.
Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds:
- Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. (The face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed.)
- Surface dive (feet-first or head-first) to a depth of 7-10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object.
- Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping the face out at or near the surface.
- Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.
Shallow Water Prerequisites
Successful completion of the following:
Prerequisite 1: Complete a swim-tread-swim sequence without stopping to rest:
- Jump into the water, fully submerge, resurface, then swim 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both. (Swimming on the back or side is not permitted. Swim goggles are allowed.)/li>
- Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs, floating, or both.
- Swim 50 yards using the front crawl, breaststroke, or a combination of both.
Prerequisite 2: Complete a timed event within 50 seconds:
- Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. (The face may be in or out of the water. Swim goggles are not allowed.)
- Submerge to a depth of 4-7 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object.
- Return to the surface and walk or swim 20 yards on the back to the starting point, holding the object at the surface with both hands and keeping the face out at or near the surface./li>
- Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.
- Session 1 | April 4 – 6
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 2 | April 11 – 13
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 3 | April 25 – 27
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 4 | May 12 – 16
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 1 p.m. - Session 5 / May 12 – 16
Monday – Friday: 4:30 – 9:30 p.m. - Session 6 | May 16 – 18
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 7 | June 6 – 8
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 8 | June 13 – 15
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 9 | June 20 – 22
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. - Session 10 | June 27 – 29
Friday: 6 – 8 p.m.
Saturday & Sunday: 8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Register for Lifeguard Certification
Join our Team This Summer!
We’re hiring lifeguards, cashiers, and swim lesson instructors. Applications open in February. Enjoy flexible schedules and competitive pay. Applicants must be at least 16 years old. The cost of lifeguard certification will be refunded at the end of the summer for those who work with us from May 25 to Aug. 10. Starting pay is $12 per hour. A returning incentive is offered for staff who return in consecutive years.
The swim team fosters competitive youth swimming and teaches the fundamentals of competitive swimming in a supportive environment. Emphasizing good sportsmanship, personal goal-setting, and both physical and mental development, swimmers are encouraged to set goals, build confidence, and discover their potential while developing competitive skills.
Participants must purchase their own swimsuits and swim caps for the program. A t-shirt will be provided. Parents or guardians are not required to volunteer, but any help is encouraged to ensure swim meets and practices run smoothly. To volunteer, email Aquatics Coordinator Hayden Johnson at hjohnson@bryantx.gov.
Participants must be able to swim the length of a 25-yard pool (any stroke) unassisted.
NWAL Season
Ages: 5 – 18
Registration: Jan. 6 – May 23
Fee (per swimmer): $115, swim meet fees not included
Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
Meet the Coaches | April 14
Monday: 6 – 7 p.m.
Spring Practice | April 21 – May 31
Monday – Friday: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. / 6:45 – 8 p.m.
Summer Practice | June 2 – 22
Monday – Friday: 8 – 9:30 a.m. / 10 – 11: 30 a.m.
Swim Meets
- May 3 (Home): Time Trials
- May 10 (Home): Navasota vs. Bryan Barracudas
- May 17 (Away): Bryan Barracudas vs. Huntsville
- May 24 (Home): College Station vs. Bryan Barracudas
- May 31 (Away): Lee County vs. Bryan Barracudas
- June 7 (Home): Bryan Barracudas vs. Brenham
- June 14 (Away): Divisional Meet, Navasota
- July 12 (Home): TAAF Region 5 Swim Meet
- July 31 – Aug. 3 (Away): TAAF Games of Texas, College Station
TAAF Season
Ages: 5 – 18
Registration: March 1 – June 23
Fee (per swimmer): $45, swim meet fees not included
Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
Practice | June 23 – Aug. 1
Monday – Friday: 8 – 9:30 a.m. | 10 – 11: 30 a.m.
Swim Meets
- July 12: Region 5 Meet, Bryan Aquatic Center
- July 31 – Aug. 1: Games of Texas, Texas A&M Student Recreation Center Natatorium (must qualify)
Junior lifeguard aims to establish a foundation of knowledge, attitudes, and skills essential for future lifeguards. It includes both dry land and in-water activities in every lesson, excluding the one dedicated to first aid. Participants acquire vital skills such as communication, teamwork, and decision-making. This course equips individuals with the foundational knowledge and skills required for future participation in the American Red Cross Lifeguarding Certification course.
- Ages: 11 – 14
- Registration: March 1 – July 13
- Fees: Resident: $50 | Non-Resident: $68
- Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
- Swim the front crawl for 25 yards continuously while breathing to the front or side.
- Swim the breaststroke for 25 yards using a pull, breathe, kick and glide sequence.
- Complete the water competency sequence without stopping.
- Session 1 | June 2 – 13
Monday – Friday: 9 – 11 a.m. - Session 2 | June 16 – 27
Monday – Friday: 9 – 11 a.m. - Session 3 | June 30 – July 11 (no class July 4)
Monday – Friday: 9 – 11 a.m. - Session 4 | July 14 – 25
Monday – Friday: 9 – 11 a.m.
Proud partners with the American Red Cross Learn-to-Swim program, teaching swimming and water safety for over a century. Recognized as a Gold Level Provider, offering 1,200+ swim lessons annually. Swim lessons available for ages 3 to adult, and for parents with infants aged 6 – 36 months.
During the first class, instructors will ensure participants are placed in the correct level for their success. Each level requires a minimum of three participants; classes may be combined. If minimum enrollment isn’t met and combining isn’t possible, canceled classes receive a full refund, or participants can move to another session at no extra cost. We guarantee 8 out of 10 lessons in inclement weather or due to factors beyond our control.
Parents receive a handbook upon registration.
Swim Levels
Which class should you choose? Review the class descriptions to ensure you register for the appropriate level of swim lessons.
Water Babies (ages 6 months – 36 months)
Water Babies introduces parents and children to the water in a safe, supportive environment. Parents learn how to hold and support their child while guiding them through basic skills. Children develop foundational water comfort and skills, laying the groundwork for swimming. Parents are also introduced to key water safety topics.
Preschool Level 1 (ages 3 to 5):
Level 1 introduces basic aquatic skills that participants build on as they progress through Levels 2 and 3 of Preschool Aquatics, then onto Learn-to-Swim. Participants also begin to develop positive attitudes and safe practices around water.
Preschool Level 2 (ages 3 to 5):
Level 2 focuses on further developing basic aquatic skills. Participants begin to perform these skills at a more advanced level, such as for longer distances or in deeper water. Many skills from Level 1 are performed with assistance, but Level 2 marks the start of independent aquatic locomotion. Participants improve proficiency in arm and leg actions on the front and back in preparation for strokes. Water safety topics from Level 1 are reinforced.
Preschool Level 3 (ages 3 to 5):
Level 3 aims to increase proficiency in previously learned skills through guided practice and more repetitions. Skills are performed independently, and participants improve coordination and control of combined arm and leg actions. New water safety topics are introduced, and previously learned water safety skills are reinforced.
Youth Level 1 (ages 6 to 17):
Level 1 introduces basic aquatic skills that participants build on as they progress through Levels 2 and 3 of Learn-to-Swim. Participants also begin to develop positive attitudes and safe practices around water.
Youth Level 2 (ages 6 to 17):
Level 2 focuses on further developing basic aquatic skills. Participants begin to perform these skills at a more advanced level, such as for longer distances or in deeper water. Many skills from Level 1 are performed with assistance, but Level 2 marks the start of independent aquatic locomotion. Participants improve proficiency in arm and leg actions on the front and back in preparation for strokes. Water safety topics from Level 1 are reinforced.
Youth Level 3 (ages 6 to 17):
Level 3 aims to increase proficiency in previously learned skills through guided practice and more repetitions. Skills are performed independently, and participants improve coordination and control of combined arm and leg actions. New water safety topics are introduced, and previously learned water safety skills are reinforced.
Youth Level 4 (ages 6 to 17)
Level 4 builds on the skills from Level 3 by improving proficiency in the strokes learned. Participants refine their skimming strokes, increasing distance, and begin learning the arm actions for the scissors kick and breaststroke kick, leading to rudimentary proficiency in sidestroke and breaststroke. New strokes such as back crawl and butterfly are introduced, along with basic open turns at the wall.
Youth Level 5 (ages 6 to 17)
Level 5 focuses on refining all six swimming strokes—front crawl, back crawl, butterfly, breaststroke, elementary backstroke, and sidestroke—while increasing proficiency and swimming distance. Participants also learn to perform flip turns for both front and back strokes.
Youth Level 6 (ages 6 to 17)
Level 6 works on refining strokes, turns, and building endurance. Participants choose from three options: Personal Water Safety, Fundamentals of Diving, or Fitness Swimmer, each focusing on specific aquatic skills and knowledge.
Adult (ages 16 and up)
Adult swim lessons are tailored to individual needs, whether starting from the basics, focusing on specific skills, or refining strokes. Participants improve comfort and proficiency in the water at their own pace.
Spring Lessons
Spring lessons are ideal for families and participants looking to improve their swimming skills before summer. These lessons are perfect for first-timers and those who may need additional attention.
- Ages: 3 – 17
- Registration: Jan. 6 – April 23
- Fees (per session): Resident: $40 | Non-Resident: $50
- Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
Session 1 | April 7 – 18
Preschool Levels 1 – 3
Monday – Friday: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Youth Levels 1 – 3
Monday – Friday: 6:30 – 7:15p.m.
Session 2 | April 28 – May 9
Preschool Levels 1 – 3
Monday – Friday: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Youth Levels 1 – 3
Monday – Friday: 6:30 – 7:15 p.m.
Register for Spring Swim Lessons
Summer Lessons
- Ages: 6 months +
- Registration: March 1 – July 13 (Registration ends day before session starts)
- Fees (per session): Resident: $50 | Non-Resident: $60
- Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
Session 1 | June 2 – 13
Monday – Friday
Session 2 | June 16 – 27
Monday – Friday
Session 3 | June 30 – July 11
Monday – Friday (no lessons July 4)
Session 4 | July 14 – July 25
Monday – Friday
Waterbabies and Preschool classes meet for 30 minutes, while Youth and Adult Levels meet for 45 minutes each day.
Waterbabies, Preschool 1 – 3 & Youth 1 – 6
8, 9, 10 and 11 a.m. – Bryan Aquatic Center
Noon and 6:30 p.m. – Bryan Aquatic Center
Waterbabies, Preschool 1 – 3 & Youth 1 – 3
5:30, 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. – Sadie Thomas Pool
Youth 4 – 6
6:30 p.m. – Bryan Aquatic Center
Get a head start on the summer season with the Swim Stroke Clinic! Designed for recreational swimmers, this program focuses on refining strokes and improving techniques in a fun, supportive environment. Led by experienced Bryan Barracuda Swim Team coaches, participants will build confidence and enhance their skills in the water.
Participants must be able to swim the length of a 25-yard pool (any stroke) unassisted. Participation in the swim team is not required.
- Ages: 5+
- Registration: Jan. 6 – April 14
- Fee (per swimmer): $20
- Clinic: April 14 – 18 | Monday – Friday, 6 – 7 p.m.
- Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive
Improve your aerobic conditioning and body toning with this step-up from traditional water aerobics, using water resistance and challenging aquatic exercises. The class is suitable for individuals who are physically fit, prenatal, postnatal, post-operative, or arthritic, with movements that can be modified to suit all fitness levels. Equipment is provided. Single classes can be purchased at the pool, and 8-packs are available online.
- Ages: 16+
- Single class: Resident: $7 | Non-Resident: $9
- 8-pack: Resident: $51 | Non-Resident: $67
- Classes: April 1 – mid November | Tuesdays & Thursdays, 5 – 6 p.m.
- Location: Bryan Aquatic Center, 3100 Oak Ridge Drive