Hail Damage: Automobile Dent Repair and Estimate Providers
Tent or Other Temporary Setup
Any vendor planning to setup tents or other temporary setups to conduct automobile repairs or provide estimates are only allowed in zoning districts where automobile service uses are allowed by right, i.e., Commercial District (C-3), and on properties where such use is considered a legally non-conforming use (“grandfathered”).
Temporary setups at a particular location are limited to no more than 21 cumulative days/year. A vendor moving to a new location must reapply to be authorized to operate from the new location.
Vendors must submit an Itinerant Vendor Permit application through the city’s online permitting portal, Citizenserve.
The application must include a simple site plan showing:
- How cars will be routed and parked. Setup cannot block any fire lanes, fire hydrants, ADA spaces, ADA routes, main traffic flow, etc.;
- Show that required parking for the main use is accommodated;
- Location of any proposed signage (separate permit required); and
- Tent location and size, if applicable.
Vendors must comply with:
- All requirements for electrical supply (no extension cords or haphazard setups) and request applicable permits for the electrical supply through Citizenserve.
- Sign ordinance limitations and acquire required permits, for example, for sail signs and banners, thorough Citizenserve.
Apply for Itinerant Vendor Permit on Citizenserve
Temporary Use of an Existing Building
To temporarily use an existing building, vendors must complete the change of tenant application and email it to building@bryantx.gov. Businesses are only allowed to established in zoning districts where automobile service uses are allowed by right, i.e., Commercial District (C-3), and on properties where such use is considered a legally non-conforming use (“grandfathered”).
Both Itinerant Vendor and Change of Tenant permit applications are typically reviewed within 48 business hours by several city departments, including:
- Development Services
- Building Services
- Fire Marshal’s Office
- Code Enforcement
- Police Department
Deficiencies that must be corrected before businesses can open to the public will be noted in the applicant’s Citizenserve portal.
Download Change of Tenant Application
Citizenserve Questions
Email building@bryantx.gov or call 979-209-5010 during business hours.
All other questions
Email planning@bryantx.gov or call 979-209-5030 and ask for the “staffer on call.”
Development Services Business Hours
Monday – Friday, 7:45 a.m. to 5 p.m.