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City of Bryan, Texas



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May 24, 2024

Police Chief Buske Announces Retirement, Assistant Chief Dean Swartzlander Named Interim

Police Chief Eric Buske is retiring and Assistant Chief Dean Swartzlander has been named interim.

After 15 years of dedicated service to the City of Bryan, and 40 total years in law enforcement, Bryan Police Chief Eric Buske has announced his retirement, effective June 7.

“The level of crime reduction that has occurred during Chief Buske’s tenure speaks volumes to the type of leader that he is; his accomplishments will have a lasting impact on the Bryan Police Department and the City of Bryan as a whole,” said Bryan City Manager Kean Register.

Under Chief Buske’s leadership, Part 1 Crime was significantly reduced by over 50% since 2009. Other accomplishments include forming the Mental Health Unit to better assist those in crisis, the implementation of weekly COMPSTAT meetings to enhance internal communication and crime tracking, the establishment of a training center/range built in partnership with BVSWMA, and the introduction of Body Worn Cameras for all staff. He also expanded the department’s capabilities by adding more than two dozen police officers, created a digital evidence technician position, increased the size of the crime lab by two positions, added a supervisor for the Property and Evidence Unit and an investigator to the Crime Scene Unit. Outside of the department, Chief Buske created collaboration efforts and partnerships within the law enforcement community by co-founding the area chiefs’ monthly meetings and the East Central Texas Police Chiefs Association, where he also serves as President.

City Manager Kean Register has named Assistant Police Chief Dean Swartzlander as interim chief effective June 8. Assistant Chief Swartzlander has been with the department for 27 years and has been serving as assistant chief overseeing support services since March 2020.

“We are fortunate to have an individual within the department, who has experience, expertise, and is qualified to serve as the interim police chief. In Chief Buske’s absence in the past, Assistant Chief Swartzlander has served as the acting chief with professionalism and has demonstrated strong leadership qualities,” said City Manager Kean Register. “As the next steps to permanently fill the police chief position are considered, I am confident Assistant Chief Swartzlander will serve the community well, while leading and representing the Police Department with honor and integrity.”

A decision has not yet been made on whether or not the candidate search will be internal, statewide, or nationwide. A definitive timeline does not exist at this time.

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