Investigative Services Bureau

Assistant Chief Walt Melnyk
Bureau Commander, Investigative Services Bureau
979-209-5335 | email
Criminal Investigations
Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is responsible for follow-up investigation on most criminal offenses reported to the police. CID consists of detectives in charge of major/cold cases, property crimes, and crimes against persons. Additional staff include crime scene personnel, investigative assistants, a crime analyst, a crime victim’s assistant coordinator, and several volunteers.
Detectives assigned to Major/Cold Case Crimes generally investigate cases involving death, robberies, aggravated assaults, serial sex crimes, and other cases based on resource needs. Investigators assigned to Property Crimes investigate fraud, burglary, theft, criminal mischief, unauthorized use of motor vehicles, etc. Crimes Against Persons’ Investigators are assigned sexual assaults, child abuse, assaults, family violence cases, harassment, juvenile crimes, etc. The Crime Victim’s Coordinator is responsible for providing crime victim assistance information and service referrals to victims of violent crimes, including assistance in applying for crime victim’s compensation when appropriate. Upon completion, successful investigations from the Criminal Investigation Division are presented to the County or District Attorney for prosecution.
Victims Assistance
The Victim Assistance Program at the Bryan Police Department works to ensure that the rights of crime victims are met and also to provide various services to victims and their families. We strive to associate victims with helpful resources in the area that will hopefully reduce the trauma of the victimization process. We work with all forms of violent crimes including: domestic violence, assault, aggravated assault, kidnapping, sexual assault, aggravated robbery, homicide, harassment and stalking, child abuse, etc. Services that are available include: crisis intervention; criminal justice support; court accompaniment; acquiring protective orders; information and referrals; assistance in filing for Crime Victims’ Compensation; notification of case status; serve as liaisons between victim, legal system, hospitals, schools, and other support systems; and to assist with evidence return.
Click here for more information about Domestic Violence
Helpful Links
- Laws in the State of Texas
- Sexual Assault Resource Center
- Scotty’s House A Child Advocacy Center
- Child Protective Services
- Crime Stoppers
- Twin City Mission (Phoebe’s Home, The Bridge, etc.)
- Victim Assistance Online (resource guide)
- Texas Attorney General’s Crime Victims Division/Crime Victim’s Compensation
- The Texas Department of Criminal Justice Victim Services Division
- The National Center for Victims of Crime
- NOVA: The National Organization for Victim Assistance
- Parents of Murdered Children
- Childhelp USA
- Texas Dept. of Family and Protective Services — Child Abuse Prevention Website
- Texas Dept. of Family and Protective Services — Elder Abuse
- Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- MADD – Mothers Against Drunk Driving
Special Investigations
The Special Operations Division supports patrol operations within the Bryan Police Department by deploying specially trained personnel to assist departmental components with specialized tactical, traffic and planning services.
Directed Deployment Team (DDT)
The Bryan Police Department’s Directed Deployment Team (DDT) is dedicated to the suppression of all types of organized crime through specialized operations within the community. Examples of organized and/or vice crimes include but are not limited to narcotics use and sales, prostitution, and gambling.
When needed, the DDT will also assist other departments with high profile cases or surveillance, such as assisting CID with investigating a string of armed robberies, or any other specialized event deemed needed by the special operations lieutenant.
Sgt. Paul Mahoney
Supervisor, Directed Deployment Team
(979) 209-5338 | email Sgt. Mahoney
Drug Enforcement Team (DET)
Mission Statement
The Bryan Police Department’s Drug Enforcement Team (DET) is dedicated to the investigation, suppression, and successful prosecution including asset forfeiture of all upper level illegal narcotic traffickers.
The Unit
After federal funding was eliminated for drug task forces the Bryan Police Department developed and implemented the Drug Enforcement Team (DET). DET is currently assigned to the Special Operations division and works with all other units in the department to investigate and dismantle the upper levels of large scale narcotic trafficking operations. The unit uses Confidential Informants, undercover/covert operations, and search warrants to accomplish this goal. The unit not only files criminal charges but also actively uses asset forfeiture proceedings to seize assets such as vehicles, homes, property, currency, etc. of these traffickers that were used in or accrued with the proceeds from illegal narcotic trafficking. The DET works with local, state, and federal agencies to maximize their effectiveness in both the investigation and prosecution of illegal narcotic traffickers.
Narcotic Information Hotline
If you have information concerning narcotics in your neighborhood that you would like to share with the Drug Enforcement Team you may click on the link below to submit the information. You may request a follow up call by leaving your name and telephone number. If you wish to leave anonymous information, please be as detailed as possible. All information provided is kept confidential, and will be investigated for accuracy.
Sgt. Paul Mahoney
Supervisor, Drug Enforcement Team
(979) 209-5338 | email Sgt. Mahoney
To submit information about drug or gang activity, click here.
Emergency Response Unit
The Bryan Police Department embraces a contemporary approach to peacefully resolve special threat situations through the simultaneous use of containment and negotiation. This approach is used in order to increase the probability of a non-violent solution to the incident. The saving of human life, whether it be hostages, suspects, police officers, or other innocent persons, is the primary goal in dealing with special threat situations.
The Emergency Response Unit (ERU) is made up of three parts: The Tactical Response Team, the Crisis Negotiation Team, and the Logistical Support Team. Volunteer officers with primary assignments in other areas of the department make up the unit. Officers of the ERU regularly train together and are activated during incidents which are beyond the scope of traditional police response.
Intelligence Unit
The Criminal Intelligence Unit (CIU) was formed in November 2007. It consists of one Sergeant and two Criminal Intelligence Officers, a Crime Analyst, and an investigator assigned to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. The primary responsibility of the unit is to assist members of the Bryan Police Department in identifying the major and/or repeat offenders committing crime in Bryan, Texas. These findings are presented to department personnel in the form of meetings and other media. From these discussions, tasks are executed by the various units at the Bryan Police Department in an effort to identify, apprehend and prosecute offenders and ultimately reduce crime in the City of Bryan.
The intelligence unit provides cash rewards for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of known habitual offenders. Persons providing information remain anonymous. If you would like to provide information on a habitual offender, please see the contact Officer Jamie Lopez, or Officer Kyle Cottle.
Submit an Anonymous Tip
Bryan Police Department
Submit anonymous tips to the Bryan Police Department through our online form.
Brazos County CrimeStoppers
Brazos County CrimeStoppers is a non-profit community organization working with community, law enforcement and media to prevent and solve crime while offering anonymity and cash rewards for information that leads to an arrest and/or grand jury indictment.