Support Services
Assistant Chief Curtis Darby
Bureau Commander, Support and Auxiliary Services
(979) 209-5353 | email
Training and Recruiting
Mission Statement
The Bryan Police Department is seeking individuals with integrity who will be dedicated and committed to public service and have the drive to work as a professional in a team setting. This requires working together with the citizens of Bryan to maintain a healthy and safe community.
The Bryan Police Department is a Civil Service agency committed to providing superior public service. Partnerships are formed with the neighborhoods we serve with the goal of providing a livable and safe community. These partnerships identify public safety issues and neighborhood concerns that affect our citizens’ quality of life. We work together to solve these concerns through an environment of shared ownership and responsibility. The Bryan Police Department is dedicated to treating everyone we meet with dignity and respect, while evaluating and improving our service delivery wherever possible.
The City of Bryan is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate in its employment practices on the basis of age, race, religion, sex, color, national origin, or disability.
Want to be a 911 Dispatcher?
If you are interested in a 911 dispatcher position, please contact the Brazos County Emergency Communications District (911) at 979.779.0911 or visit These positions are not City of Bryan positions; they are employees of the Brazos County 911 District.
Bryan Police Department Training Calendar
Auxiliary Services
Central Records
The Records Division is the central hub for information within the Department. Six full-time administrative clerks are responsible for the process and storage of information on the Record Management System. Criminal history files, accidents, and offense reports are maintained on this system. This information is accessible through any of the computers in the Department and has developed into one of the largest databases within the county. Currently, there are several services offered by this division, such as finger printing, clearance letters, bicycle registrations, and public copies.
Records Costs
- Fingerprinting: $10
- Clearance Letters: $5
- Accident Reports: $6
- Certified Accident Reports: $8
Intake Division
The Intake Division was started as a “pilot” program in 1989. It was the first program of this sort within the state that tested a civilian’s ability to perform services normally performed by a certified peace officer. Eight Intake Specialists and one Intake Assistant staff the information desk on a 24 hour basis conducting warrant checks, monitoring law enforcement computers, and the reporting of offenses and incidents as they occur.
Property and Evidence
The Property Division is responsible for tracking every piece of evidence and found property recovered by the police department. Items range from hair samples to drugs. Each item is accounted for from the time of its recovery until its final disposition. Careful and close attention to detail is applied in this area due to the importance and preservation of evidence.