The City of Bryan’s Water Services will be performing smoke testing of sanitary sewer lines intermittently throughout November.
Smoke testing helps identify broken pipes and other defects by having field crews inject smoke into the sewer lines through manholes. Crews will enter properties to document the defects, but they will not enter private residences and you do not need to be home during the process.
The testing area consists of properties located within the boundaries of W. Villa Maria Road, E. Villa Maria Road, Link Street, Fairway Drive, Tee Drive, Lakeview Street, Timberline Lane, Spruce Street, Green Street, Elm Avenue, Ehlinger Drive, Alan Drive, Lynn Drive, S. College Avenue, Parkway Street, Timberlake Drive, Lakside Street, Watson Lane, Royal Street, Fox Drive, Pleasant Street, Sandra Drive, Crane Avenue, Willow Avenue, Cavitt Avenue, Sulphur Springs Road, Gilbert Street, Moran Street, Holick Lane, S. Texas Avenue, Wayside Drive, Morris Lane, Kasserman Street, Burton Drive, Mitchell Street, Lawrence Street, Morningside Drive, Ethel Boulevard, Esther Boulevard, Twin Boulevard, Elmwood Drive, Vinewood Drive, Oak Street, Maloney Avenue, Edith Street, Koenig Street, and Bizzel Street.
Residents may see smoke exit from vent pipes on the roofs of homes and businesses, manholes, and the ground where broken sewer pipes may exist. The smoke is non-toxic, does not leave a residue and does not create a fire hazard. The smoke will not enter a house unless there is defective plumbing present or drain traps are dry. Residents and business owners can help prevent smoke from entering their buildings by pouring about one gallon of water into seldom-used drains.
Those with questions about this process, should contact Water Services at 979.209.5900.

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