Sept. 21 Update:
The city’s contractor needs to close the southbound lanes of South College Avenue at West Villa Maria Road starting Monday, Sept. 25 for three weeks to complete a waterline installation as part of the South College Avenue Reconstruction Project. Due to the equipment needed and worker safety, a full closure of these lanes are required to provide the quickest and safest installation.
View the temporary traffic control plan
Original Press Release from May 19, 2023:
South College Avenue Reconstruction Project begins Monday, May 22
Phase one of the South College Avenue Reconstruction Project begins Monday, May 22, and will require a full road closure to through traffic from West Villa Maria Road to Edge Street. Access to homes and businesses will be provided throughout construction. The city’s general contractor will reach out to each property owner in the construction zone to discuss access. The closure is expected to last until mid-November.
Detour signage will be installed to guide drivers around the work zone. Please use caution if traveling through the area and obey posted signage.
The entire project is expected to be complete by December 2024 and consists of:
- Reconstructing South College Avenue from West Villa Maria Road to Carson Street.
- Reconstructing the large box culverts under South College Avenue from Midtown Lake to Burton Creek.
- Replacing and upgrading underground storm sewer, water, and sanitary sewer lines along the project limits. This will improve stormwater drainage in the area by upgrading the storm sewer network and constructing stormwater detention ponds to help alleviate flooding in the surrounding area.
- Replacing sanitary sewer lines in the area generally bounded by South College Avenue, Cavitt Avenue, Lake Street and Edge Street. This work will also begin Monday.
- Constructing a 10-to-12-foot wide shared-use path along the west side of South College Avenue.
- Constructing 6-foot wide sidewalk along the east side of South College Avenue.
- Constructing a landscaped median along South College Avenue with roundabouts at Hollydale Drive/Williamson Drive and Carson Street.
Visit the project web page for more details, to view an interactive map of the project, or to submit questions/comments.
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