Water Production and Field Operations
Where Does Bryan Water Come From?
The City has ten wells. The wells are approximately 2800 feet deep and draw water from the Simsboro Aquifer. The water is under hydrostatic pressure and rises up to within 200 feet of the ground surface. The well pumps take over at this point and pump the 118 degree water to the well field pump station.
Gallons Sold Monthly
Private Sewer Lateral Assessment Program
The sewer lateral is the portion of pipe that connects your home to the City’s main sewer line. If your sewer lateral needs replacement, you may be eligible for a low-interest loan through the City of Bryan’s Sewer Lateral Assessment Program. The City offers this low-interest loan program to qualified property owners for replacement or relocation of a private sewer lateral.
Loans feature a 3% interest rate and are available in amounts up to $7,000. A security interest (lien) is placed on each project property until the loan is repaid. Loans carry a five year term and may be paid in full any time during the term without penalty. Monthly billing will be performed by the City of Bryan’s Finance Office.
Eligibility Requirements
- You must be a City of Bryan resident and property owner.
- You must own the residence where the improvement is made.
- You must have good credit with Bryan Texas Utilities.
- Participation is limited to single family, duplex, triplex, and fourplex residential dwellings.
How will the Assessment Program Work?
- A funding application is submitted by the property owner to the City.
- The property owner will secure at least two bids for work. Bids must be itemized and include a scope of service and detailed drawing of the project.
- The bids will be presented to the City for review and acceptance.
- Consent of the property owner to the City’s selected bid is ratified by the property owner entering into a contract with the City.
- The City will inspect the job to ensure it is performed to City code.
- The City will make payment to the service provider once the job is complete and accepted by the City.
- A certificate of completion and lien affidavit will be filed with the County Clerk’s Office. A lien will be placed against the property.
- The lien will be released from the property once the loan is repaid in full.
What Costs are Covered by the Assessment Program?
Equipment, labor, permits, and materials associated with the replacement or relocation of a private sewer lateral.
How to Apply
- Download the loan application.
- Complete the application. Be sure to fill in all required information.
- Send the completed application to:
City of Bryan, Water Services Department
P.O. Box 1000
Bryan, TX 77805
Attn: Sewer Lateral Assessment Program
Please contact the Water Services Department at (979) 209-5900 for further information concerning the Sewer Lateral Assessment Program.
Did You Know?
- Installing a low-flow toilet can save a family of four more than 45 gallons of water a day. That’s 1350 gallons a month.
- You can lose up to 200 gallons of water a day from a leaking toilet. And a faucet drip can waste 604,800 drops during the week.
- New water sources are not being discovered every day. We have identified or are using most of them in the US.
- You can reduce your monthly sewer charge by eliminating outside water used during rate setting months (December, January and February).
- The City of Bryan gets all of its water from 10 deep wells.
- The wells are approximately 2800 feet deep.
- When the water exits the well it has a temperature of approximately 118° Fahrenheit; and then when treated has a temperature of 88° Fahrenheit.
- This ground water is so clean when it exits the well that the only treatment required is cooling and disinfection.
- Within the last year, the City has invested over 15.6 million dollars on upgrades in water services to improve the quality and reliability of your water system.
- During peak water usage months the City of Bryan pumps over 20 million gallons of water a day.
- Trash and debris around a lake will affect the quality of the water.
Water Production
Our water production system has 10 water wells that retrieve water from the Simsboro Sands of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer. These wells are approximately 2,800 feet deep ( 1/2 mile), so the water is 118°F when it reaches the surface. In addition to the 10 water wells, there are also 2 pump stations, 3 elevated water towers, 3 ground storage tanks and approximately 18.6 miles of pipe.
Water Distribution
Once the water is pumped out of the ground and cooled, it enters the water distribution system to be dispersed throughout the City. There are approximately 414 miles of pipe, 6,107 valves and 2,037 fire hydrants currently in the distribution system. Through new development and capital improvement projects, these numbers change as we strive to provide the best possible service to our 21,000+ customers.
Wastewater Collection
Throughout the wastewater system, the City maintains 5,933 manholes and approximately 369 miles of pipe. This underground system carries the wastewater to one of three wastewater treatment plants. Since sewer pipes typically are not pressurized, the system relies on gravity to move the wastewater. However, the City has 22 lift stations that help pump the wastewater where it needs to go when gravity isn’t enough.
Schedule a Water or Wastewater Plant Tour
Do you want to know where our water comes from? Have you ever wondered where the water goes when it goes down the drain? Schedule a tour of Bryan’s water production facility or one of Bryan’s wastewater treatment facilities. Tours are performed during our regular business hours (Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm) and are free of charge. Please wear comfortable clothes and closed-toe shoes. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting the Public Works Call Center at (979) 209-5900 or Email Water Services. Please indicate the requested tour date and the number of persons in your group.
Public Service Announcements
(Clicking a link will redirect you to another website)
- Bag Your Trash
- Proper Disposal of Medicines
- Proper Disposal of Motor Oil
- Proper Disposal of Oil & Grease
- Proper Disposal of Oil & Grease (Part 2)
- Proper Disposal of Tires
- Water Leak
Public Education Brochures
- Do Not Flush Medicines! (Also available in Spanish)
- Grease and Oils (Also available in Spanish)
- Grease Trap Program (Also available in Spanish)
- Inflow and Infiltration (Also available in Spanish)
- Information on Water and Sewer Taps (Also available in Spanish)
- Private Sewer Lateral Assessment Program (Also available in Spanish)
- The Source of Your Drinking Water (Also available in Spanish)
- Water Services and GIS (Also available in Spanish)
- Wastewater Treatment (Also available in Spanish)
- Water Conservation & Leak Detection (Also available in Spanish)
- Water Wise Landscaping (Also available in Spanish)